"Timeline Hallway" was an 8 screen installation commissioned by Facebook for fMC 2012 (Facebook Marketing Conference) at the Museum of Natural History in New York City. The installation is equipped with an RFID reader that receives Facebook login information from users' name tags. After the user has "logged in" the installation constructs an animated timeline of events, friendships, comments, likes, and photos that spans the 8 monitors. Since February, Timeline Hallway has been shown in London, Stockholm, and New York. Timeline Hallway was a collaboration between the art and design collective Lumens and Facebook.

Director / Project Manager - Lumens, Grant Davis
Creative Director - Facebook, Tim Belonax 
Producer - Facebook, Giselle Schmitz
Lead Developer - Lumens, Aaron Siegel
Developer, Animator - Lumens, Gautam Rangan 
Lead Software Engineer - Facebook, Niket Biswas 
Software Engineer - Facebook, Casey Muller 
Thanks to: Ben Barry, Sean Doyle, Tom Elliott. 
I had two main responsibilities for this installation: 1. Create a dynamic animation that forms the Facebook logo from the users' personal photo library on Facebook. 2. Create a visualization of the friendships between conference attendees based on data provided by Facebook. I also contributed to the overall design and animation by creating the GUI window "popup" animations and circle pulse animations. Here are some screen captures of tests leading up to the final product.
The video above is a screen capture of a dynamic animation that I created in Processing that shows how I generated the size and shape of the photos that compose the Facebook Logo.
The video above is a screen capture of a dynamic animation that I created in Java and OpenGL that shows the final motion of the Facebook Logo in the Timeline Hallway Installation. This animation would be stretched over 8 adjacent screens that surround the user.
The video above is a screen capture of a dynamic animation that I created in Java and OpenGL that visualizes the friendships between conference attendees. This visualization is based on code written by Facebook designer Ben Barry.
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