My former role at WET Design was the director of immersive media , which included coding, animation, and occasionally building mock-ups with electronics. This page is a small selection of such projects - most are under NDA.
Game Of Thrones at the Bellagio
Above is an edited clip of a 2 minute show I created with a group of my coworkers for the Bellagio fountains to announce the new season of Game Of Thrones in 2018! My role was to edit the show, map the feature, and generally assemble the final product as the deadline approached, but it was certainly a big team effort. The multi-talented Joel Bewley and Dan Walker helped create the content for the final show. The whole idea was originated by the legendary Jim Doyle, who designed the projector assembly, handled the pyrotechnics, and orchestrated the various teams. 
This event was covered live by CNN, Fox, ABC, and other major news networks. It also appeared in Variety, Boing Boing and many other online publications.  

Academy award winning Mr. Jim Doyle
Academy award winning Mr. Jim Doyle
Design Director Peter Kopik
Design Director Peter Kopik
WET founder and CEO Mark Fuller on the right
WET founder and CEO Mark Fuller on the right
David Sanders Director of Photography
David Sanders Director of Photography
Wondering if i remembered to put my yogurt in the fridge
Wondering if i remembered to put my yogurt in the fridge
photos above by Joel Bewley
AR Presentation Tool (2013)
This shows one of several apps that I developed at WET to facilitate communication between designers and clients. I designed and wrote this app in C# for Unity to help clients understand better the scale and behavior of the water feature as a dynamic, animated sculpture. Because clients are increasingly interested in interactive sculpture, I have been experimenting with the touch-screen interface as an input device. WET design spends a lot of time choreographing its features with international talent including Kenny Ortega (Dirty Dancing, High School Musical), so the interface needs to be able to express that level of sophistication from relatively simple gestures from the user. These examples are still in progress, but they show how the process of designing something as simple as a fountain can involve some complex ideas. This video was shot and edited by David Sanders and Lachlan Turczan.

Some tracking texture studies - this is only a small fraction of the textures I generated and tested for tracking. It's really challenging to make something that's high-contrast, non-repetitive (every patch is unique), and aesthetically pleasing. 

Sketches, etc.
Made with ballpoint pen, colored pencil, and Photoshop.

Made with ballpoint pen, colored pencil, and Photoshop. 
Some sketches I made for an exercise in science-fiction prototyping. 
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